My Projects

Web Based

Weather Forecast

A Django based WebApp for retrieving weather forecast from all around the world (powered by OpenWeatherMap API).

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Web Based

URL Shortener

A Django based WebApp for transforming long, ugly links into nice, memorable and trackable short URLs (powered by API).

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Desktop Based

Flappy Bird

A Desktop based Flappy Bird game created using Pygame (Library) which is a cross-platform set of Python modules designed for writing video games.

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CLI Based


A command-line interface based Python Chatbot powered by wikipedia API which can retrieve the summary of any Wikipedia Article.

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Web Based

To-Do List

What is a To-Do List? The definition is a simple one. It's a list of tasks you need to complete or things that you want to do. A Django based web application to create a simple To-Do list.

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CLI Based

Bitcoin Notifier

A command-line interface based Python Script to get live updates on Bitcoin Prices via Telegram using CoinMarketCap API.

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Projects in Development Phase.

Web Based


An advanced blogging platform with exciting features. (More details to be added later)

Coming Soon

Web3 (Blockchain) Based

Web3 app on Solana

A Web3 app on the solana blockchain with React.js and Rust.(More details to be added later)

Coming Soon